
The Be Like Brit Blog

Off The Cliff

When I first learned that I would be going to Haiti I had many emotions I was super excited and apprehensive not knowing what to expect I was going with a great group of women and my mom which I knew would be extra special I had been working with Be Like Brit for years for lots of events through my bakery and have also sponsored two children in ...

Off The Cliff

If you have come to help me you are wasting your time But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine then let us work together I knowit isnt a feel good statement and I have to admit that Ive struggled with the meaning of this Lilla Watson quote from the very first time I heard it But the words have echoed in my mind every ti...

Off The Cliff

Hi there If youve clicked on this post you probably already know our exciting newsThe BLB blog is back And better than everIf youre new here welcome If you are one of our loyal blog readers weve missed you My name is Danielle I am the Media Coordinator at Be Like Brit also known as the girl behind the camera who is always in Haiti I became a l...

Off The Cliff

Happy Thanksgiving Weekend EveryoneI hope you had a great holiday with loved ones I love this time of year because it is a perfect time to reflect This year I know all of us at Be Like Brit have a lot to be thankful forThank You to our child sponsors Because of you our children can attend school eat 3 meals a day have access to medical care and...

Off The Cliff

It was a desire and a sense of being called to go where the needs are the greatest which brought me to Haiti the first time I remember the provincial leader of my then religious congregation at that time saying after a series of conversations If you really want to go where the needs are the greatest maybe you should go to Haiti That was early ...