
Meet Our Children


Like so many of the children we met, Andreline came to us from living in what was meant to be a temporary shelter with exten... Read More
Like so many of the children we met, Andreline came to us from living in what was meant to be a temporary shelter with extended family members. She never knew her father and her mother died some years ago. Andreline is a very sweet girl who has so much potential for success and greatness! She is very helpful to all the younger children.

Currently at Brit’s Home Andreline is a quiet girl; she is soft-spoken and very shy. She has been working extremely hard in school and excelling in her work, she is a very smart. Andreline tells us her favorite subject at school is math. During her down time, she enjoys singing and dancing with her friends Mirna, Doodmie & Doodlie. She also really enjoys working on her writing, in both English and creole!


Blanco came to us from the mountains of Grand Goave behind Be Like Brit. Since the death of his father in the earthquake he... Read More
Blanco came to us from the mountains of Grand Goave behind Be Like Brit. Since the death of his father in the earthquake he has not had anyone able to sufficiently provide for him. When Blanco was brought to us, we saw there was a need. We are so happy that we were able to bring Blanco in to Be Like Brit with his two older siblings, Dave and Isemylove, with whom he has a very close bond.

Currently at Brit’s Home Blanco has become very eager to learn English. He is always asking questions and trying to participate in English conversations with the older children. He has been working very hard in school and tells us his favorite subject is math. During his down time Blanco enjoys playing soccer and talking about the future, when he grows up he wants to be a psychologist.


Christ-Love (pronounced as “Chris” Love) came from a nearby town and lives at Be Like Brit with his older brother, Mackenlov... Read More
Christ-Love (pronounced as “Chris” Love) came from a nearby town and lives at Be Like Brit with his older brother, Mackenlove. As you may know, this dynamic duo has been with Len and Cherylann since they first found the land on which to build Brit’s Orphanage. The children were living outside, sleeping on the ground at a local mission after the earthquake. Christ-Love’s charm and winning smile immediately captured the hearts of Len and the crew who first broke ground on the property. Christ-Love brings us much joy and laughter and is very precious to us!

Christ-Love is a natural performer at Brit’s Home. He loves being on stage at the talent shows, singing, dancing and being silly! Christ-Love is enrolled in the Be Like Brit Academy and doing very well with his studies. He tells us his favorite subject is math. During his down time, he really enjoys watching movies. He also really enjoys talking about his future and tells us that when he grows up he wants to be an engineer.
Fully Sponsored


Daffecat is a little girl with a great big personality! She has such a sense of humor and makes all the children and staff ... Read More
Daffecat is a little girl with a great big personality! She has such a sense of humor and makes all the children and staff members at Brit’s Home burst out into laughter regularly! Daffecat is so loving and sweet, but a handful! When she first arrived, she was happiest when she sat with her doll with the other girls and did their hair –she loves to dance, and she likes to kick a soccer ball around, too! She’s thinks that she’s bigger than she is, and we just love that confidence and spunk!

Daffecat has recently taken an interest in art. She has been working on drawing with some of the older children, and she has become quite the talented artist! Daffecat has been working hard in her studies and tells us that her favorite subject in school is math. During her down time she enjoys watching movies and listening to music. She enjoys talking about her future goals and tells us that when she grows up she wants to be a teacher!
Fully Sponsored


Dalandya came to Be Like Brit after we learned that she was living with extended family in deplorable conditions and often m... Read More
Dalandya came to Be Like Brit after we learned that she was living with extended family in deplorable conditions and often missed school to do work at home. After speaking to the Director at her school, we learned that Dalandya is especially bright and speaks French almost fluently –a rarity for children who only learn French in school!

Dalandya is one of the most confident girls at Brit’s Home. She is a great leader and role-model for the younger girls! During the Friday night variety show she enjoys being the MC! Dalandya really enjoys dancing, singing and joking around with her friends. She names her favorite friends as Daphney, Delienne, Germanie, Marie Lourdie and many caregivers and nurses! Dalandya’s favorite subject at school is French. During her down time, she enjoys meeting with the nurses to talk about hygiene, as well as spending time looking around in the BLB Store. Her English has been improving, and she likes to practice reading so she can get better at it!
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Daphcka is 5 years old and was born on August 14th, 2017. She’s very shy and quiet. Her favorite food is rice.
Daphcka is 5 years old and was born on August 14th, 2017. She’s very shy and quiet. Her favorite food is rice.


Daphene is 2 years old and was born on November 6th, 2020. She’s shy and has a great smile. Her favorite food is soup!
Daphene is 2 years old and was born on November 6th, 2020. She’s shy and has a great smile. Her favorite food is soup!


We felt very strongly about bringing Daphney home to BLB after learning that her father deserted the family before her birth... Read More
We felt very strongly about bringing Daphney home to BLB after learning that her father deserted the family before her birth, and her mother was so poor she was not able to provide any education or schooling for this sweet girl. She is also half-sister to another Be Like Brit child, Saradina. As we believe strongly in keeping siblings together wherever possible, it was decided that Daphney would come home with us!

Daphney plays well with the other children and helps around the house whenever she gets the chance. She keeps a watchful eye on her younger brothers and sisters and says she is most excited about being able to go to school! Daphney is doing quite well in school and helps the younger children as often as she can. She is a very talented young lady and is a natural performer during the Friday night variety shows! She loves dancing, singing and often is the MC for the show! She really enjoys trips to Port-au-Prince, playing educational games, and making up dance routines with her friends. Daphney tell us that her favorite thing to do at Brit’s Home is spending time with her friends and the caregivers. She names her favorite friends as Kerby, Delienne and Steeve. She really enjoys talking with Gina and Myster Way, the two Psychologists at Brit’s Home!


Darlandyna is a very sweet little girl who came to us from deplorable conditions in the mountain community nearby Brit’s Hom... Read More
Darlandyna is a very sweet little girl who came to us from deplorable conditions in the mountain community nearby Brit’s Home. As her family unable to provide for her, we found she was eligible for the program here at Be Like Brit. She’s since started school at Mission of Hope and is thriving in a loving environment surrounded by dozens of brothers and sisters! Darlandyna loves to sing and dance and is just adorable when she does! She is a tiny little girl with a lot of spirit and incredible confidence.

Darlandyna is one of the younger girls at Brit’s Home, but her personality would make you think she is one of the teenage girls. She is very confident within her small stature! Darlandyna has been working very hard in school, and she tells us her favorite subject is math. During her free time, she enjoys playing tic-tac-toe. Recently she has been working on her dancing with some of the older girls! Darlandyna has big plans for the future; she tells us that when she grows up she wants to be a nurse!


Dave comes to us from the mountains of Grand Goave behind Be Like Brit. Since the death of his father in the earthquake he ... Read More
Dave comes to us from the mountains of Grand Goave behind Be Like Brit. Since the death of his father in the earthquake he has not had anyone able to sufficiently provide for him. When Dave was brought to us, we saw there was a need. We’re so happy that we were able to bring Dave in to Be Like Brit with his two younger siblings, Isemylove and Blanco, to whom he is a great protector.

Dave is a very active boy at Brit’s Home. He can always be found outside riding his bike! When we asked what his favorite activities are, Dave says he can’t just choose one, because he loves all the activities we do at Brit’s Home! Dave has been working very hard in school, and he tells us that his favorite subject is science. He has big dreams for the future; he wants to be a pilot when he grows up!


Davidson is one of three brothers who joined us at Be Like Brit in early April 2013. Davidson’s older brothers, Fredo and K... Read More
Davidson is one of three brothers who joined us at Be Like Brit in early April 2013. Davidson’s older brothers, Fredo and Kerby, have been around since we began construction. We knew the boys came from a rough home life, with a mother who is deaf and mute and unable to provide for the family. Davidson’s father left long before he was born. Given his mother’s limitations, we felt strongly that the boys needed to come to Be Like Brit.

Davidson is a very smart boy with an amazing smile that lights up a room! He is on the shy side and not too talkative. Recently he has been shown an interest in art.

Davidson tells us his favorite food is pizza, and his favorite thing to do at Be Like Brit is to watch movies and sleep! His favorite friend is Louvens; they can always be seen playing together. Davidson is one of the best in his class and continues to make progress in his studies and with his behavior!


Daya came to us from the mountains of Grand Goave behind Be Like Brit. Since the death of her father she has not had anyone... Read More
Daya came to us from the mountains of Grand Goave behind Be Like Brit. Since the death of her father she has not had anyone able to sufficiently provide for her. When Daya was brought to us, we saw there was a need. We are so happy that we were able to bring Daya in. Daya is such a sweet girl at Brit’s Home. She enjoys coloring pictures and giving them to the other children, caregivers and Britsionarys as gifts! During her down time, she enjoys dancing. Daya has been working very hard in school. She tells us that her favorite subject is French, and she loves to read in French class. She enjoys talking with the caregivers about her future. Daya says she would like to become a nurse when she grows up!


Devidson came to us through community outreach and interviews that lead us to realize he is the younger, half-brother of Dal... Read More
Devidson came to us through community outreach and interviews that lead us to realize he is the younger, half-brother of Dalandya, one of the girls who lives here with us. Devidson was living with extended family members, but inconsistently. He had been with an aunt, a grandmother, a cousin –bounced around from home to home, as the resources didn’t exist to support Devidson in the way he needed. He was very happy to walk in and see the smiling face of his half-sister, Dalandya, and she was equally thrilled. We are so happy we were able to reunite these two who clearly love each other very much!

Devidson has been working very hard in school and excelling in his studies. He tells us that his favorite subject is science. During his free time, he really enjoys practicing speaking French. Devidson really enjoys playing outside with the other children, and his favorite game to play is soccer. He has big plans for the future; he enjoys talking to the caregivers about his dream of becoming a doctor when he grows up!


Djoudemie is a sweet, quiet little girl whose father passed away. She had been living with her mother who suffers from sever... Read More
Djoudemie is a sweet, quiet little girl whose father passed away. She had been living with her mother who suffers from severe limitations due to various medical conditions. Because of her mother’s medical condition, she is not able to properly care for her daughter. Djoudemie came to us needing significant medical attention, which she began to receive immediately. Djoudemie loves to dress herself in nice clothes, and she loves singing, dancing, and coloring with the other children. She tells us her favorite foods are pizza and chocolate!

Last year Djoudemie struggled when the teacher would give her homework and reading assignments. This year she has progressed in her reading and is more accepting to do homework. Djoudemie enjoys spending time with the older girls Kathiana, Dalandya and Doodmie. She is currently enrolled in the 1st grade!


Like so many of the children we meet, Doodlie came to us from living in what was meant to be a temporary shelter. Her siste... Read More
Like so many of the children we meet, Doodlie came to us from living in what was meant to be a temporary shelter. Her sister, and twin, Doodmie came to Be Like Brit with her! Doodlie is a very sweet girl who we believe has so much potential for success and greatness! She is shy at times but has become such a wonderful helper in both her bedroom and in her classroom. She can often be seen playing with dolls and braiding their hair. Doodlie is very active around Brit’s Home, and she loves joking around with the other children and making people laugh!

Doodlie has been working very hard at school, and she tells us her favorite subjects are math and Creole. During her down time, she enjoys watching movies and singing. She is a great dancer and enjoys working with the other children to create new dances!
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Doodmie came to us from living in what was meant to be a temporary shelter. Her sister, and twin, Doodlie came to Be Like B... Read More
Doodmie came to us from living in what was meant to be a temporary shelter. Her sister, and twin, Doodlie came to Be Like Brit with her! Doodmie has a great personality and is very outgoing! We know that with so many brothers and sisters, she’ll continue to thrive! She’s a big help with her sister and is already showing us leadership skills. Doodmie does well in school and is always found participating in activities with her BLB brothers and sisters.

Doodmie is one of the older girls at Brit’s Home, and she is a great role- model to the younger girls. She has quite a sense of humor, always telling jokes and imitating the caregivers and the other children to get some laughs! Doodmie has been working very hard in school, and she tells us her favorite subject at school is math. During her down time Doodmie enjoys watching movies, participating in English class, and playing cards. Doodmie tells us her favorite friend at Brit’s Home is Daya.
Fully Sponsored


Dotchley came to us by way of Port-au-Prince, where he had been living with extended family in very poor conditions. He’s a... Read More
Dotchley came to us by way of Port-au-Prince, where he had been living with extended family in very poor conditions. He’s a great little boy with a lot of energy who especially LOVES to play with basketballs and toy cars He has been a great student and has been learning so much! He is a little bit of a perfectionist when doing his writing and wants it to always look pretty! Dotchley has been working very hard on his studies, and he tells us his favorite subject is English.

Dotchley is very active at Brit’s Home. He can always be found outside playing with the other children, and his favorite thing to do in his free time is to play soccer. He really enjoys when we take trips to the beach. He LOVES swimming in the ocean! Dotchley has big plans for his future; he tells us when he grows up he wants to be an Engineer!


Ephésiens was living in the mountains with his older sister, Germanie. He’d been living with an aunt since his mother’s dea... Read More
Ephésiens was living in the mountains with his older sister, Germanie. He’d been living with an aunt since his mother’s death in the earthquake in January of 2010. His father had been absent since before his birth. One of our cooks knew of him and his sister’s situation and asked us to investigate. As is typical, they were living in squalor in what was meant to be a temporary shelter put in place after the earthquake over 3 years ago. After a brief interview and investigation, it was clear these children needed to be relocated. He cried when we left because we didn’t take him with us immediately.

Ephésiens has really come out of his shell, his confidence has greatly improved both at school and at Brit’s Home. He is crazy about any kind of game that requires a remote control! Ephésiens favorite subjects in school are Math, Creole and Reading. In his down time, he enjoys playing outside with the other children. A few of his favorite activities include playing soccer, riding his bike, and playing basketball!


We first met Fredo while we were still in the construction phase of Be Like Brit. Driving down the road near the sea one af... Read More
We first met Fredo while we were still in the construction phase of Be Like Brit. Driving down the road near the sea one afternoon, we found a boy walking and crying. He had been stung by a jellyfish and had not eaten in days. We picked him up and brought him in for a meal and tended to his wounds. Months later, we were happy to bring him and his two brothers, Kerby and Davidson, to live with us here at Be Like Brit. Fredo has never known his father, and his mother is unable to care for him and his brothers. When he first came in, Fredo had never been to school, so we hired a one-on-one teacher for him. He is now doing well and is succeeding right alongside his peers. We are so proud of how far Fredo has come in such a short time.

Fredo is the oldest boy at Brit’s Home. He has really taken on a leadership role with the other children. He is always very helpful with the Britsionary groups, even traveling to the work sites to help in the building of a home. Fredo is currently enrolled in the Be Like Brit Academy and is excelling in his studies. He tells us his favorite school subject is math. During his down time Fredo enjoys practicing his English, resting and painting rocks he finds at the beach.
Fully Sponsored

General Sponsorship

While many sponsors choose a specific child to support and receive regular updates and information from, our Child Sponsorsh... Read More
While many sponsors choose a specific child to support and receive regular updates and information from, our Child Sponsorship program supports all 66 of our children at Brit's Home equally, regardless of official sponsorship status. Rather than identifying a specific child in the child sponsorship process, many individuals prefer instead to give to our general fund. Our general fund offsets the costs associated with programming costs and supports those children who may not be sponsored or who are not fully sponsored. Instead of receiving updates from a specific child, general fund sponsors can watch the whole family grow, learn, and thrive through our social media pages!


Germanie was living in the mountains with her younger brother, Ephésiens. She’d been living with an aunt since her mother’... Read More
Germanie was living in the mountains with her younger brother, Ephésiens. She’d been living with an aunt since her mother’s death in the earthquake in January of 2010. Her father has been absent since before her brother’s birth in 2008. One of our cooks knew of her and her brother’s situation and asked us to investigate. As is typical, they were living in squalor in what was meant to be a temporary shelter put in place after the earthquake over 3 years ago. After a brief interview and investigation, it was clear these children needed to be relocated.

Germanie is very quiet around Brit’s Home but really enjoys laughing with her friends! She enjoys dancing with the other girls. Germanie has been working very hard in school, and she tells us her favorite subjects are French and the History of Haiti. During her down time, she enjoys resting, family visits, and trips to the beach. She has mentioned she does NOT like swimming, but she loves being at the beach with the other children just hanging out!


Ginaleda came to Be Like Brit through the reference of the local Catholic priest, Fr. Brice. He knew of a family in need an... Read More
Ginaleda came to Be Like Brit through the reference of the local Catholic priest, Fr. Brice. He knew of a family in need and thought we could help. Ginaleda was living with an older sister who was taking care of her and her other siblings along with another child. We are so happy that we were able to bring Ginaleda in to Brit’s Home with her siblings Macson and Ginaldo.

Ginaleda is one of the older girls at Brit’s Home. She has great plans for her future, and she loves talking to the adults about all her future goals! She is very smart and doing well in school. She tells us her favorite subject is science. Ginaleda enjoys going to the beach, playing cards, dancing and singing. Her favorite activity is participating in the family visits. She is a very talented artist, and in her down time she likes to draw and work on different art projects.
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Guerlanda came to us from a nearby town after experiencing a very traumatic loss of her family. She is a sweet little girl a... Read More
Guerlanda came to us from a nearby town after experiencing a very traumatic loss of her family. She is a sweet little girl and we know that the loving and supportive environment at Be Like Brit will be the perfect place for her to thrive along with her 2 older sisters, Delienne and Dieulourdes.

Guerlanda is such a sweet girl, and she loves participating in all the activities at Brit’s Home! She is a natural performer and loves to dance and sing during the talent shows. Guerlanda has been working very hard in school and excelling in her studies. In her down time, she enjoys playing dolls with the other girls. Her favorite game to play is musical chairs!
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We met Horlinne and her sister Magdaline while out conducting home visits in the next town over from Grand Goâve. Left aban... Read More
We met Horlinne and her sister Magdaline while out conducting home visits in the next town over from Grand Goâve. Left abandoned, it was clear that both needed assistance. Their aunt brought him to where they were living, a house of banana leaves and branches held together by mud. The house had no bed, and the girls were sleeping on the floor with 6 other people.

Horlinne is our track running super star! She loves to compete with the other children running around the track, and she tells us those are her favorite things to do. Horlinne has been working very hard in school. She tells us that her favorite subject is English. She has big plans for the future; when she grows up she wants to be a doctor to help take care of people who are sick!
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Isemylove comes to us from the mountains of Grand Goave behind Be Like Brit. Since the death of her father in the earthquake... Read More
Isemylove comes to us from the mountains of Grand Goave behind Be Like Brit. Since the death of her father in the earthquake she has not had anyone able to sufficiently provide for her. When Isemylove was brought to us, we saw there was a need. We are so happy that we were able to bring Isemylove in to Be Like Brit with her two brothers, Dave and Blanco, with whom she has a very close bond.

Isemylove is a very sweet girl who loves going to school and has been excelling in her studies. She tells us that her favorite subject at school is dictation class! Isemylove’s favorite activities include watching movies and playing on the swings at the park with the other children. She enjoys talking with the caregivers about her future. She tells us that when she grows up she wants to be a doctor!


Isselande came to Be Like Brit from living with the Sisters of St. Ann Church in Port-au-Prince after the death of both of h... Read More
Isselande came to Be Like Brit from living with the Sisters of St. Ann Church in Port-au-Prince after the death of both of her parents just a few months apart in 2011. We are so happy that we were able to bring Isselande in to Be Like Brit with her sister, Venitte, with whom she has a very close relationship.

Isselande is a very smart girl who was a finalist in the Be Like Brit English spelling competition. She enjoys learning and has been excelling in her studies. Isselande tells us that math is her favorite subject at school. During her free time Isselande enjoys playing card games with the other children. She has big plans for her future; her goal is to become a gymnast when she grows up!

Jean Roodly

Jean Roodly came to us after friends of ours who runs a medical clinic in the neighboring town of Petit-Goâve alerted us to ... Read More
Jean Roodly came to us after friends of ours who runs a medical clinic in the neighboring town of Petit-Goâve alerted us to his situation. Having been abandoned at a young age, it was clear that Malorie needed consistent support, love, and care. We were happy when a local judge approved our request to assume care of him.

Malorie is such a hard worker in school, and he is very eager to learn paying close attention to his teachers. At Brit’s Home, Malorie enjoys playing with the other children, cleaning his room with his roommates, and being a leader when they are playing games.


Job has long been a member of the family at Be Like Brit, and almost two years after our first child was enrolled here, we d... Read More
Job has long been a member of the family at Be Like Brit, and almost two years after our first child was enrolled here, we decided to bring Job in to our home. Job’s home life is just heartbreaking, and we knew that the best thing for him was to come to a loving and safe environment where he could be loved and provided with all of the things he needs in order to thrive. Job and Job’s family are very close with Len, Cherylann, Bernie, and Richie. He has been with us every day at Brit’s Home from the very beginning. Now, he calls Brit’s Home his own.

Job is such a sweet boy at Brit’s Home, and he spends most of his time getting lost in books! He loves reading and sharing his stories with the younger children. He has been working very hard in school and tells us that his favorite subject is French. Job enjoys playing soccer outside with the other children. He has big plans for his future; he wants to be a psychologist when he grows up!
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Jobson, born on December 24, 2020, is a lively and sociable four-year-old who delights in outdoor activities. Soccer is his ... Read More
Jobson, born on December 24, 2020, is a lively and sociable four-year-old who delights in outdoor activities. Soccer is his passion, and he has a particular fondness for rice and beans. His transition to life at Brit’s Home has been seamless, and he eagerly assists his caregiver, Mr. Jonas, with various tasks around the home.

John Jeffrey

John Jeffrey is our 33rd boy here at Be Like Brit! He came to us not by accident! Through our community involvement and outr... Read More
John Jeffrey is our 33rd boy here at Be Like Brit! He came to us not by accident! Through our community involvement and outreach program, we learned that he was the half-brother of one of our other children, Socrate! Always committed to keeping siblings together wherever possible, it was decided that John Jeffrey would come to live with his brother at Brit’s Home.

John Jeffrey has made great progress here at Brit’s Home. He started as non-verbal, and now he can properly pronounce words and express himself! He loves to watch movies, listen to music, play soccer, and go to the park. John Jeffrey LOVES anything to do with Batman and Superman characters, especially in story books and movies!
Fully Sponsored


Joobens is the last of 9 children. He has 3 brothers and sisters who are also with us at Be Like Brit; Marie Lourdie, Sophon... Read More
Joobens is the last of 9 children. He has 3 brothers and sisters who are also with us at Be Like Brit; Marie Lourdie, Sophonia & Louvens. They came when their then very ill mother was seeking help. Lacking the necessary paperwork, we were unable to even discuss any kind of assistance.

Eventually their mother returned to Be Like Brit. Her situation dire than the year before, the mother had gone through all of the necessary channels to secure the paperwork we needed. After a home visit, it was decided that Joobens and his family would come to us at Be Like Brit.

Joobens is a little boy with a big, beautiful smile! He really enjoys spending time with Madame Gina (our Haitian Social Worker at Brit’s Home) and refers to her as his best friend. At Brit’s Home Joobens enjoys watching movies, playing soccer, and cleaning his room with his roommates. He has been working very hard to earn good behavior tickets to use in the new store at Brit’s Home.


Kathiana was the 66th child to enroll at Be Like Brit, and she is just a sweetheart! Kathiana was living with extended famil... Read More
Kathiana was the 66th child to enroll at Be Like Brit, and she is just a sweetheart! Kathiana was living with extended family in deplorable conditions since the sudden death of her mother. We met her through a mutual friend who thought we might be able to help!

Kathiana is an amazing singer, and she is the lead singer in the youth worship services at Brit’s Home. She is a natural performer and is such a strong leader to the younger children during the worship service. Kathiana has been working hard in school, and she tells us that her favorite subject is math! She really enjoys being at school and says when she grows up she wants to be a teacher. During her free time, she really enjoys playing with Barbie dolls!


Kenelson was brought to Be Like Brit after one of our employees who is also a Deacon in the local Catholic church had served... Read More
Kenelson was brought to Be Like Brit after one of our employees who is also a Deacon in the local Catholic church had served at the funeral of a young, single mother. Kenelson was sent to live with his aunt who was already responsible for 5 of her own children. After meeting Kenelson and verifying the information we were given, we knew that he would thrive in our home and our loving environment. He is quite the personality, and in his first week here at BLB he was already beyond being timid! He is already bringing us many smiles and we are happy to have him with us.

Kenelson has been working very hard in school, and he tells us that his favorite subject is math! During his free time Kenelson enjoys playing basketball and taking trips to the beach. His favorite activity at the beach is making sand castles. Kenelson has big plans for his future; he loves to talk with the caregivers about becoming an engineer when he grows up!


Kerby is one of three brothers (Davidson & Fredo) we brought in to Be Like Brit together. He is the middle child, and is a ... Read More
Kerby is one of three brothers (Davidson & Fredo) we brought in to Be Like Brit together. He is the middle child, and is a great help with his younger brother and the smaller children we have here. Kerby had never been enrolled in school when he first came to BLB, so we hired a private tutor to help get him caught up, so that in the fall he could be enrolled in a more age-appropriate class. Kerby has come a long way in his schooling and we couldn’t be prouder. Kerby has become a great helper around the house. He is also quite the athlete.

Kerby is such a kind and caring boy. His smile tends to light up a room. Kerby loves to dance, and recently the children have been practicing ballroom dancing on Friday nights. Kerby enjoys choosing the female caregivers as his dance partners! Kerby has been enjoying school, and he tells us his favorite subject is science. During his down time, he enjoys playing musical chairs and working on his art work. Kerby can often be found hanging out with Steeve, who he says is his best friend!


We first met Kervens and his sister Sandiana back in 2013, when they were brought to us by extended family who could not car... Read More
We first met Kervens and his sister Sandiana back in 2013, when they were brought to us by extended family who could not care for them. Sadly, they lacked the necessary documents for us to enroll them, and we had to deny them despite the very real need. Almost a year later, they returned with their extended family member who had since obtained all the documents we needed to enroll them. Having lost both of their parents, these two children were especially vulnerable and in need of our assistance.

Recently Kervens has become very interested in art. He spends most of his free time working on his drawing skills, and he is improving every day! When he isn’t working on his drawings, he enjoys playing basketball. Kervens has been working very hard in school, and he tells us his favorite subject is math. When he grows up he wants to be a doctor!


Kervins was the first child brought into Brit’s Home, entering on January 21, 2013, Britney’s birthday. Kervins is an energe... Read More
Kervins was the first child brought into Brit’s Home, entering on January 21, 2013, Britney’s birthday. Kervins is an energetic and curious boy with a feisty little temper but a smile and eyes that will melt your heart! Kervins was brought to us by an aunt who had been struggling to care for him and her own 3 children since the death of his father when he was just a few months old. Kervins’ mother disappeared not long after his birth, and after some research, we were able to confirm her death in Port-au-Prince when he was just a baby.

Kervins has been working very hard in school, and he has been studying very hard and excelling! He tells us that his favorite subject is math. During his down time, he enjoys playing soccer! Kervins loves super heroes and his favorite super hero is Superman! Kervins enjoys talking to the caregivers about his future; he says he wants to be a police officer when he grows up!


Loobens is the middle child of a set of 3, brother to Mirna and Love Na. Their situation was such that we felt it important... Read More
Loobens is the middle child of a set of 3, brother to Mirna and Love Na. Their situation was such that we felt it important to bring the three children in to Be Like Brit to give them a chance at an education and a better life. Loobens started out shy, but has since become quite the character! What we find especially funny about Loobens is that when he hears anyone speaking English, he repeats it! After only a week with us, he was already asking for water and the toilet in English!

Loobens has really started to come out of his shell, and his confidence has greatly improved in school. He has excelled in his work and taken more initiative to be responsible for his work. Loobens, Mackenlove, Marie Lourdie, Doodlie, Doodmie and Dalandya are his favorite friends at Be Like Brit. He enjoys sharing toys with the other children and playing games together! Loobens tells us his favorite activities are trips to the beach, Friday night talent shows, and dance parties! His favorite foods are rice, beans and pizza.
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Louvens is the 7th of 9 children. He has 3 siblings who are also with us at Be Like Brit; Marie Lourdie, Joobens and Sophoni... Read More
Louvens is the 7th of 9 children. He has 3 siblings who are also with us at Be Like Brit; Marie Lourdie, Joobens and Sophonia. They first came to us in 2013 when their then very ill mother was seeking help. Lacking the necessary paperwork, we were unable to even discuss any kind of assistance Their mother returned to Be Like Brit, her situation dire than the year before, the mother had gone through all the necessary channels to secure the paperwork we needed. After a home visit it was decided that Louvens and his siblings would come to us at Be Like Brit.

Louvens is a very fast runner, and he uses this to his advantage by always starting races and games of tag with the other children. During his down time, he enjoys playing ping-pong! Louvens has been working very hard in school, and he tells us his favorite subject is science. He has big goals for his future; when he grows up he wants to be a doctor!

Love Na

Love Na is just about as sweet as she can be! The youngest sibling to Mirna and Loobens, Love Na has a tiny little voice bu... Read More
Love Na is just about as sweet as she can be! The youngest sibling to Mirna and Loobens, Love Na has a tiny little voice but is as smart as a whip! Love Na has been working very hard in school, and she tells us that her favorite subject is math. Recently she competed in a spelling bee at Brit’s Home. She constantly asks when the next one will be! She loves learning and says when she grows up she wants to be a teacher!

Love Na is a very talented singer, and she is one of the performers in the youth worship service! She can often be found watching and copying the older girls dance moves!


Mackenlove has been around Be Like Brit since the beginning! Back when it was just a construction site, Mackenlove made his ... Read More
Mackenlove has been around Be Like Brit since the beginning! Back when it was just a construction site, Mackenlove made his way into Len’s heart and has held a very special place there ever since. When Len first met him, he was living outside, sleeping on the ground with his younger brother, Christ- Love. Len took them under his wing and gave them clothing and food. It only made sense to bring him in to live with us here at Brit’s Home, so we can provide him with everything he needs for a healthy and successful life!

Mackenlove, like his brother Christ-Love, is such a hard worker and is always willing to lend a helping hand around Brit’s Home. Mackenlove tells us his favorite activities at Be Like Brit are watching movies, playing soccer, and napping when there are no activities planned! He tells us his favorite friend is Kerby, and they can often be found playing together. Mackenlove’s favorite singer is Jason Derulo, and he enjoys pretending he is Jason Derulo, even asking the other children to call him Jason.
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Mackenson came to us with his aunt and grandfather who had walked with him some six hours, down from the mountains far behin... Read More
Mackenson came to us with his aunt and grandfather who had walked with him some six hours, down from the mountains far behind and above our site in Grand Goâve. Upon seeing him, it was immediately clear that he needed medical attention. Having lost his father in the 2010 earthquake 4 months before he was born, and having lost his mother in 2012, Mackenson and his extended family were desperate for help. While we normally require 24 hours to decide on each case, without hesitation we accepted Mackenson in to the program at Brit’s Home in Haiti.

Mackenson has been working very hard on his studies, and he tells us his favorite subject is French class. During his down time, he enjoys watching movies! Mackenson says his favorite activity is going to the beach, and he loves to swim in the ocean. Mackenson has big plans for his future; he tells us he would like to be a doctor when he grows up!
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Macson came to Be Like Brit through the reference of the local Catholic priest, Fr. Brice. He knew of a family in need and ... Read More
Macson came to Be Like Brit through the reference of the local Catholic priest, Fr. Brice. He knew of a family in need and thought we could help. Macson was living with an older sister who was taking care of him and his younger siblings along with another child. We are so happy that we were able to bring Macson in to Be Like Brit with his younger sister and brother, Ginaleda and Ginaldo. Macson immediately took on the role of big brother in Brit’s Home. During nightly reflection with the kids on his second night, he shared that he was happy to now call Be Like Brit his home.

Macson is one of the older boys at Brit’s Home, and he is such a sweet boy who tries to spend time with the older and younger children. He has been working very hard in school and tells us his favorite subjects are math and Creole. Macson has become such a talented artist, and his real passion is art by reproduction. He is very good! He really enjoys working with Mr. Willmann on the large banner art projects!


We met Magdaline and her sister Horlinne while he was out conducting home visits in the next town over from Grand Goâve. Bo... Read More
We met Magdaline and her sister Horlinne while he was out conducting home visits in the next town over from Grand Goâve. Both abandoned, it was clear that both Magdaline and Horlinne were in need of assistance. Their aunt brought him to where they were living, a house of banana leaves and branches held together by mud. The house had no bed, and the girls were sleeping on the floor with 6 other people.

Magdaline is a very sweet girl who is very protective of her younger sister. She loves experimenting with different hair accessories and can always be seen with different pearls and beads in her hair! Magdaline tells us her favorite things to do are reading, dancing and attending worship services. In her down time, she enjoys spending time with her roommates, especially Isemylove who she names as her favorite friend! She really enjoys school, and she tells us her favorite thing about school is when they do experimental science!
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Marie Cassandre

Marie Cassandre came to us with her sister, Marie Flaure. We had met them both previously but had hesitated to bring them i... Read More
Marie Cassandre came to us with her sister, Marie Flaure. We had met them both previously but had hesitated to bring them in to Be Like Brit, as they were living with their mother at the time. Their mother had become very ill, and with this news, we decided it was time to bring them both in to Brit’s Home together. Marie Cassandre is very sweet and is a joy to have with us.

Marie Cassandre is so eager to learn English. She spends much of her free time practicing by having English speaking conversations with some of the other older children. She is a very hard worker in school, and she tells us her favorite subject is math. Marie Cassandre is an amazing dancer and loves to perform at the talent shows with some of the other children! She has big plans; she tells us that she wants to be a doctor when she grows up!
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Marie Flaure

Marie Flaure came to us with her younger sister, Marie Cassandre. We had met them both previously but had hesitated to brin... Read More
Marie Flaure came to us with her younger sister, Marie Cassandre. We had met them both previously but had hesitated to bring them in to Be Like Brit, as they were living with their mother at the time. She had since become very ill, and with this news, we decided it was time to bring them both in to Be Like Brit together.

Marie Flaure is an extremely talented dancer! She can often be found dancing and singing around Brit’s Home with her best friends, Sherly and Daphney. She is such a sweet girl, always giving advice and praise to her younger sister Marie Cassandre for her dance moves! Marie Flaure tells us that her favorite activities at Brit’s Home include playing musical chairs, having dance parties, and participating in Bible study. Her favorite subject in school is Grammar.
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Marie Lourdie

Marie Lourdie is the 6th of 9 children. She has 3 younger siblings who are also with us at Be Like Brit, Joobens, Sophonia &... Read More
Marie Lourdie is the 6th of 9 children. She has 3 younger siblings who are also with us at Be Like Brit, Joobens, Sophonia & Louvens. They first came to us when their then very ill mother was seeking help. Lacking the necessary paperwork, we were unable to even discuss any kind of assistance. Their mother returned to Be Like Brit later, her situation dire than the year before, the mother had gone through all the necessary channels to secure the paperwork we needed. After a home visit it was decided that Marie Lourdie, her siblings needed to come to Be Like Brit.

Marie Lourdie is a very smart girl, always at the top of her class. Her favorite subjects in school are science, reading and math. She and her best friend Venitte are in the same class and enjoy working on their homework together. At Brit’s Home Marie Lourdie enjoys spending time with Dalandya, Marie Flaure & Loobens. She can always be found playing cards, joking around and inventing games to play.

Marie Prisca

We met Marie Prisca and her brother Obenson after Father Brice from the local Catholic Church, St. Francois called and infor... Read More
We met Marie Prisca and her brother Obenson after Father Brice from the local Catholic Church, St. Francois called and informed us of these children in great need. After meeting Marie Prisca and her brother Obenson at the church, we decided to investigate their situation further. Marie Prisca had clear signs of malnutrition, the result of the extreme poverty she had been living in with extended family members who simply could not provide proper care for Marie Prisca and her brother.

Marie Prisca loves to spend time with the other children in Brit’s Home. She loves to play with dolls and style her dolls’ hair. Singing and dancing are her favorite things to do. Right now, she tells us her favorite songs are ‘watch me whip & watch me nae nae’ and Hallelujah. Marie Prisca’s favorite friend to play with is her brother Obenson, the two of them are very close. She also enjoys spending time with her roommates, Guerlanda, Daffecat & Sophonia. Chachouna.


Maya recently moved in and is so happy to be able to call Brit's Home, home. She's really sweet and has kind eyes. She has b... Read More
Maya recently moved in and is so happy to be able to call Brit's Home, home. She's really sweet and has kind eyes. She has bonded a lot with our first generation girls, especially Venitte. We can't wait to see what her future holds!


Medlens’ story is especially tough. One evening after dinner, we received a call about a group of children living in awful ... Read More
Medlens’ story is especially tough. One evening after dinner, we received a call about a group of children living in awful conditions in a small area on the outskirts of Grand Goâve called Ti Paradis. We went out to the site that evening and found a house full of children, dirty, naked, hungry. Medlens was the only one there without a parent. Through some investigation and verification, we learned that Medlens’ parents died within two weeks of each other in 2012. He had been living with extended family ever since, largely unwanted and ignored. He wanted to leave that very night! Instead, he was brought to Be Like Brit the next day by one of our drivers and enrolled into our program that evening.

Medlens has been working very hard on his English. In his free time, he enjoys reading books in English, and he has been making great progress! He enjoys learning, and he is progressing well in school. His favorite subject is math. He loves watching movies with the other children during their down time. He has big plans for his future and often speaks to the caregivers about his goals. He tells us that when he grows up he wants to be a doctor!
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Mirna is a sweet, smart, and thoughtful little girl. She came to Be Like Brit after we visited the home in which she was li... Read More
Mirna is a sweet, smart, and thoughtful little girl. She came to Be Like Brit after we visited the home in which she was living and found it to be in complete shambles. Mirna is the eldest of a group of 3 siblings, and keeps a keen eye on her brother, Loobens, and sister, Love Na.

Mirna is a very confident girl at Brit’s Home. She loves being on stage and performing at the talent shows. Her favorite activity is playing musical chairs with the other children. Mirna really enjoys talking about her future and all the goals she is excited to accomplish. She has been excelling in her studies and tells us her favorite subjects at school are math and French. Mirna names her best friends as Sherly and Fredo. The three of them can often be found hanging out together!


Mo (Mohalince) is 5 years old and was born on November 8th, 2017. He loves Superman and loves spending time with the other boys and girls.
Mo (Mohalince) is 5 years old and was born on November 8th, 2017. He loves Superman and loves spending time with the other boys and girls.


Nashca came to us from the mountains, where the level of poverty increases with the elevation. She is half-sister to Sherly... Read More
Nashca came to us from the mountains, where the level of poverty increases with the elevation. She is half-sister to Sherly, another one of our girls here at Be Like Brit. She’s been in her aunt’s care for some time now, and has needs for which she is unable to provide. Don’t let her small stature fool you! Nashca has a strong personality and is very social! She loves playing soccer and basketball as well as jumping rope and playing with dolls! She’s adorable and sweet and has a smile you just can’t help but fall in love with!

Nashca is a natural performer in Brit’s Home, she LOVES to sing and dance! During worship her beautiful voice carries through the room. Nashca tells us that when she grows up she would like to be a teacher. She really enjoys school and tells us her favorite subject is math. During her down time at Brit’s Home Nashca can often be found hanging around with her best friend Daffecat.


We met Obenson and his sister Marie Prisca after Father Brice from the local Catholic Church, St. Francois, called and infor... Read More
We met Obenson and his sister Marie Prisca after Father Brice from the local Catholic Church, St. Francois, called and informed us of these children in great need. After meeting the children at the church, we decided to investigate their situation further. Marie Prisca had clear signs of malnutrition, the result of the extreme poverty they had been living in with extended family members who simply could not provide proper care for Obenson and his sister.

Obenson is a great athlete at Brit’s Home, he can often be found playing soccer outside with the other children and staff members. Obenson has been excelling in his studies, he tells us that his favorite subject in school is math. When he grows up he wants to be an engineer! Obenson tells us that his favorite activity is to go to church on Sundays!


PJ moved into Brit's Home in 2023. He's a little ball of energy and has great charisma. We can't wait to see what his future holds!
PJ moved into Brit's Home in 2023. He's a little ball of energy and has great charisma. We can't wait to see what his future holds!


Rolson came to us after we met him and his aunt in a town about an hour west of us. She told us about his father’s death in... Read More
Rolson came to us after we met him and his aunt in a town about an hour west of us. She told us about his father’s death in 2009 and the loss of his mother in the 2010 earthquake. His aunt had been providing for him but has six children of her own and simply could not give Rolson the support he needs to thrive. Rolson is very soft spoken and a bit shy. He is very well behaved, almost never fighting with other children here at Be Like Brit. He is very good at sharing. Rolson is almost comically good at basketball! We’re not sure where he learned to dribble a ball like that in Haiti, but we think we’ve got a star on our hands!

Rolson has been working very hard in school and tells us that his favorite subject is math. When he grows up he tells us he would like to be a teacher! During his down time Rolson enjoys playing ping-pong against the other children, he has really been improving his skills! Rolson also tells us his favorite activity is going to the park and playing on the play-ground, he loves doing tricks on the jungle gym!


Rose is 5 years old and was born on August 17th ,2017. She’s very reserved and is really sweet. Her favorite food is cookies.
Rose is 5 years old and was born on August 17th ,2017. She’s very reserved and is really sweet. Her favorite food is cookies.


We first met Sandiana and her brother Kervens in 2013, when they were brought to us by extended family who could not care fo... Read More
We first met Sandiana and her brother Kervens in 2013, when they were brought to us by extended family who could not care for them. Sadly, they lacked the necessary documents for us to enroll them, and we had to deny them despite the very real need. Almost a year later, they returned with their extended family member, who has since obtained all the documents we needed to enroll them. Having lost both of their parents, these two children were especially vulnerable and in need of our assistance.

Sandiana is such a sweet girl at Brit’s Home. During her down time, she enjoys practicing dancing and singing with the other girls, they can often be found making up new dances to perform! Sandiana has been working very hard in school, she tells us that her favorite subject is English. She tells us that when she grows up she would like to be a doctor!


Saradina came to Brit’s Home early. Abandoned by her father and a mother who could not provide an education to her or her h... Read More
Saradina came to Brit’s Home early. Abandoned by her father and a mother who could not provide an education to her or her half-sister, Daphney she very much wanted to come to Be Like Brit. We visited the house where she was living, and it was immediately evident that we needed to bring her back with us. While she struggled the first night, she adjusted well and is thriving in this new environment!

Saradina has such a big heart! She is always lending a helping hand to the other children at Brit’s Home. Saradina can often be found braiding the other girl’s hair with the caregivers! She has been working very hard in school and tells us that her favorite subject is math. Saradina wants to be a teacher when she grows up! She tells us that during down time her favorite thing to do is play with her dolls!


Sendjy is 4 years old and was born on January 6th, 2019. He is from our local Grand Goâve community.
Sendjy is 4 years old and was born on January 6th, 2019. He is from our local Grand Goâve community.
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Sherly was brought to Be Like Brit by her aunt, with whom she had been living for several years in a small mountain communit... Read More
Sherly was brought to Be Like Brit by her aunt, with whom she had been living for several years in a small mountain community near Grand Goâve. Sherly’s father abandoned her family when she was just 1, and she has been living with her aunt since her mother fell ill some time ago and has since been unable to care for her. Sherly’s half-sister, Nashca, also came to Be Like Brit with her. Sherly is very protective of her little sister.

Sherly is a very sweet girl, she is always laughing! She really enjoys school and has been excelling in her studies, she tells us her favorite subject is Math. Sherly’s favorite activity at Brit’s Home is going on family visits! Sherly is a great singer and dancer, she shows off her talents during the Friday night show. She names her favorite friends as Venitte, Dalandya, Steeve, Macson, Marie Flaure, Job and Kerby! They enjoy telling each other secrete and talking about their future!


Shilove’s story is a tough one. Shilove is the daughter of a man who has worked for Len and Cherylann at Be Like Brit from t... Read More
Shilove’s story is a tough one. Shilove is the daughter of a man who has worked for Len and Cherylann at Be Like Brit from the very first days. He and his wife lived just beyond our walls; neighbors and friends. Tragically, Shilove’s young mother died suddenly just a few weeks before we enrolled her. Following her death, her father had become very ill. Given the uncertainty of her father’s condition, he asked us if we would be willing to take Shilove in to Be Like Brit, as he is no longer healthy enough to work or to care for his young daughter. The prognosis for Shilove’s father is unclear, but it’s likely that he too will succumb to his current battle. Shilove was a little unsure when she first came to live with us. She has become a very confident and independent little girl.

Shilove is one of the younger girls in Brit’s Home, but her personality would have you thinking she was a teenage! She really enjoys outings to the beach and the park with the other children. She enjoys jumping rope, playing with her dolls, and eating peanut butter sandwiches for lunch. Shilove has been working very hard to earn good behavior tickets that she will be able to spend in the new store.


Shnaider came to Be Like Brit as a result of a community outreach event we held after we learned of a large number of orphan... Read More
Shnaider came to Be Like Brit as a result of a community outreach event we held after we learned of a large number of orphaned children living in a town about an hour from us. His mother was killed in the earthquake in 2010, and his father died one year later in a moto accident. Shnaider had been living with a cousin and her family, but she was not able to provide Shnaider with the very basics every child should have access to.

Currently at Brit’s Home Shnaider has been doing wonderful! He is such a sweet boy who is shy and tends to be quiet when in a group. Shnaider tells us his favorite friend is Kerby. The two of them can often be found playing games together at Brit’s Home. Shnaider’s favorite subject at school is social science. During down time he enjoys playing educational games, soccer and dominoes- his favorite game!


Socrate is a great kid with a strong personality. He’s very well behaved and very active. He had been living with his grand... Read More
Socrate is a great kid with a strong personality. He’s very well behaved and very active. He had been living with his grandmother who was not able to properly care for him anymore. His mother is living, but left for Port-au-Prince some years ago and has not been heard from since. In November of 2014 we heard of a half-brother of Socrate’s and we brought John Jeffrey in to join the family, the two boys have become very close.

Socrate is doing great in school and we think he’ll continue to thrive in this nurturing environment! His favorite subject at school is math. However, he has also become quite an excellent reader and enjoys asking questions! At Brit’s Home he enjoys riding his bike, playing with Lego’s and any kind of game that involves a remote control! He enjoys spending time with Kerby and Louvens. They can always be found playing with one another. He really enjoys dressing in nice clothes with his brother John Jeffrey.


Soleïca is 2 years old and was born on February 13th, 2020. She’s very affectionate and loves to smile. Her favorite food is mashed beans.
Soleïca is 2 years old and was born on February 13th, 2020. She’s very affectionate and loves to smile. Her favorite food is mashed beans.


Sophonia is the 8th of 9 children. She has 3 brothers and sisters who are also with us at Be Like Brit; Marie Lourdie, Joobe... Read More
Sophonia is the 8th of 9 children. She has 3 brothers and sisters who are also with us at Be Like Brit; Marie Lourdie, Joobens and Louvens. They first came to us in 2013 when their then very ill mother was seeking help. Lacking the necessary paperwork, we were unable to even discuss any kind of assistance. Their mother returned to Be Like Brit, her situation dire than the year before, the mother had gone through all the necessary channels to secure the paperwork we needed. After a home visit, it was decided that Sophonia and her family would come to us at Be Like Brit.

Sophonia has been working very hard in school, and she tells us that her favorite subject in school is math! When she grows up, she says she wants to be a doctor to help people! Sophonia can often be found playing with her favorite friend Darlandyna. She enjoys playing with her dolls and styling them in different hair styles! During down time, she says her favorite thing to do is play volleyball!


Valentina is a very sweet little girl who came to us from deplorable conditions in the mountain community nearby Be Like Bri... Read More
Valentina is a very sweet little girl who came to us from deplorable conditions in the mountain community nearby Be Like Brit. Her family unable to provide for her, we found she was eligible for the program here at Be Like Brit. She’s in school and is doing better day-by-day! Valentina used to cry a lot and didn’t like to sleep in her bed alone.

Valentina is a fabulous dancer, and she loves to show off her dance moves whenever she gets the chance! Within this past year she has really come out of her shell as her confidence has improved. Valentina enjoys playing with Playdoh, coloring with the other children, and most of all loves to SLEEP! She spends lots of time with Darlandyna, Sandiana and Daya, her roommates and favorite friends at Brit’s Home.


Venitte came to Be Like Brit from living with the Sisters of St. Ann Church in Port-au-Prince after the death of both of her... Read More
Venitte came to Be Like Brit from living with the Sisters of St. Ann Church in Port-au-Prince after the death of both of her parents just a few months apart in 2011. We are so happy that we were able to bring Venitte in to Be Like Brit with her sister, Isselande, with whom she has a very close relationship.

Venitte is a very confident girl at Brit’s Home. She LOVES to dance, and she can always be seen singing and dancing around with the other girls. Her favorite song is ‘We are the World.’ Venitte tells us that her favorite thing to do is dress like a ‘Top Model’ from the boots to the sunglasses. She walks around like a movie star! She can always be seen arm and arm with Sherly, who she names as her favorite friend. She has excelled in school, always first or second in her class. She tells us her favorite subjects are Math, French and Creole.
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Wensley is 3 years old and was born on August 28th, 2019. He is a bit shy but has been loving Brit's Home and all of his new brother's and sisters.
Wensley is 3 years old and was born on August 28th, 2019. He is a bit shy but has been loving Brit's Home and all of his new brother's and sisters.


Whenly is a great kid with a vibrant personality and a very loving soul! His father was killed in the 2010 earthquake, and ... Read More
Whenly is a great kid with a vibrant personality and a very loving soul! His father was killed in the 2010 earthquake, and his mother died about a year later from illness. He had never attended school before coming to Be Like Brit and is doing extremely well!

Whenly has been working very hard in school and excelling in his studies. He tells us that his favorite subjects in school are math, reading and Creole. Whenly really enjoys joking around with his friends, and he can usually be found hanging around with Steeve, Kerby and Macson, who he names as his three best friends. During down time he enjoys playing soccer and watching movies.


Wisely was very quiet and shy boy when he first came to Brit’s Home, but we knew that after some time with us he would come ... Read More
Wisely was very quiet and shy boy when he first came to Brit’s Home, but we knew that after some time with us he would come out of his shell! He is lucky enough to be here with his little sister, Daffecat, although they had not been living together prior to their arrival here at Be Like Brit.

Wisely is a very good singer, and he won first place in the Brit’s Stars singing competition. He is also very funny and considers himself a comedian. Wisely is currently enrolled in the Be Like Brit Academy where he has been progressing in his studies. He tells us his favorite subject is Math. Wisely adores his little sister Daffecat and is always watching out for her. He tells us she is his best friend. In his free time Wisely enjoys walking around exploring Brit’s Home!
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