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Blocks for Brit's House of Love

We are excited to have completed Brit's House of Love in February 2019. This building is adjacent to the Children’s Home in Grand Goâve, Haiti.

The inspriation behind the name "Brit's House of Love" comes from the visit
Brit made to House of Love Orphanage during her mission trip in 2010.

This Center is needed for many reasons:

Increase frequency of trips each year

Now that Britsionarys are in a separate location, we can significantly increase the frequency of trips each year. This means:

  • Be Like Brit can expand the Britsionary Program by at least 50%. This will permit us to move forward financially and attract more volunteers; which in turn, allows us to expand operations and services to the people of Grand Goâve. The new Center opens the possibility of hosting corporate groups that are increasingly interested in team building sessions at BLB for shorter periods of time.
  • Effect on Revenue –Many Britsionarys, on their return from Haiti, are inspired to become more involved in the organization. They elect to sponsor children, become active volunteers, participate in fundraisers and support Be Like Brit in many ways that are instrumental to its viability and success. More Britisionarys means more revenue that means we can continue our mission.
  • More home construction. Through home construction, the Britsionarys make a significant impact – we have built over 145 homes in Grand Goâve since the inception of our Britsionary Program.

More space for our teenagers

Our children are growing up, and many are entering their teens. They each share a room with four other children. As teenagers, they need more space and privacy. There is also a need and desire to have more of a physical separation between genders, as our children mature. The rooms that were occupied by Britsionarys have been converted to space for our older children as we/they work on a transitional plan. The open space in the old Britsionary area has been converted to classrooms for Brit's Academy.

Less demand on our current staff and more employment opportunities

When Britsionary groups were housed in the Children’s Home it added further workload and pressure on our current kitchen space and staff resources. The staff was unable to accommodate more than 2 Britsionary groups per month in its configuration. The Britsionary Center has created additional jobs for more local Haitians who will support housekeeping and kitchen duties related to the Britsionary Center.

"Happy Birthay Colleen!" Love, CJ & Josie$10

"Happy Birthday Erin!" Love, CJ & Josie$10

"Happy Veteran's Day, Matt! Thank you for your service" - Love, CJ & Josie $10
"Team Many Hands"- December 30,2017 - January 6, 2018$10

Abby Thackston in Honor of Jaden Thackston$20

Abby Thackston in Honor of Nettie Thackston$50

Adrienne Nys$100

Adrienne Tendrich in Memory of Amimra's Grandpa, Max Tendrich$20

Alan Lampson$100

Albert & Patricia Kupcinskas$100

Alex Schad in Honor of Devan Michael$250

Alicia Remillard$50

Allison MacDonald$100

Althea Marshall in Honor of Ann Buki$10

Amanda Forget$20

Amanda Rebokis - Team KWFSTA$10

Amanda Rebokis - Team KWFSTA$20

Amelia Avila$10

Ancient Order of Hibernians$100

Andree Vezina with Love from Aurelle and Nico Albano$250

Andrew & Chrissy Chaban$5,000

Angela Cornacchioli Snell in Memory of Britney Gengel$20

Ann Lauring$500

Ann Paton in Honor of The Board of Directors of Be Like Brit$200

Ann Tripp in Honor of Mark Tripp$250

Anne Genovese - Team N'ap Boule in Memory of Steph Whooten$45

Anne Pedersen$50





































Anonymous - Team N'ap Boule in Memory of Steph Whooten$20
Anonymous - Team N'ap Boule in Memory of Steph Whooten$100

Anonymous - Team Noodly$20

Anonymous - Wolf & Company$250

Anonymous in Memory of Yvonne Pfeiffer Burk$1,000

Audrey Fulkerson$500

Austin Muzzy$50

Barbara Arena$50

Barbara Bianco$10

Barbara Dunn$25

Barbara Shatkin$30

Barry O'Brien$50

Battelle Always Giving - Team Dirty Dozen$50

Battelle Always Giving - Team Dirty Dozen$50

Ben Bryk$10

Bertrand Dufour$50

Beth Sargeant$100

Beth Sargent$5,000

Betsy & Paul Wood - Team Chantal$200

Betsy Ellsworth$100

Bette Sparks$10

Beverly Tetreault in Memory of Britney Gengel$20

Bill Creamer$50

Bill Mooney in Honor of Kathleen Rafferty-Mooney$250

Bill Reynolds$500

Bill Scalzulli$100

Blackey Family Foundation Blackey in Honor of Mark Leff$1,000

Bob & Jennifer Carey$100

Bob Heavey$100

Bobbie Longe$50

Bobby Wunderlich$100

Bonny Rose - Team N'ap Boule in Memory of Steph Whooten$25

Brad, Stephanie, & Scout Hanks$10

Brandon Quiterio - Wolf & Company $20

Brenda Hackett$100

Brent S Kottas$100

Brian & Janice Foley$100

Brittany McNally - Team Vry Grrd$10

Brittany Rits$10

Brittney Walenta$50

Bruce & Alexa Potter - Team Headlights and Halfbacks$200

Bryan Moore - 2017 Team Country Bank Britsionary$100

Butch & Brenda Rits$10

Caitlin Palazzo$100

Carissa Soucie$20

Carlene Sherbourne - Team Brisk$100

Carlo Tarini - Team Headlights and Halfbacks$100

Carlo Tarini - Team Headlights and Halfbacks$50

Carlo Tarini - Team It's The Little Things$100

Carol & Ralph Marine$100

Carol Constantino in Honor of Maureen Bonin Bedard$50

Carol Richard$20

Carol, Brent, & Maya Mikkelsen - Team Dirty Dozen$50

Carole & Robert Roy$50

Carolyn Casey in Honor of Project 351$250

Carolyn Dykema - Team Pilgrim First$500

Carolyn Sue Ludwig$100

Caron & Thomas Raphael$25

Catherine & Gregory Pray$100

Catherine Torello & Juliana Ennis$250

Charles Dubois$50

Charley & Virginia Day$50

Cheryl Bisceglia$25

Cheryl Bisceglia in Honor of Seth Yaylaian$30

Cheryl Southwick$50

Child Tools Consulting$20

Chloe Rits$10

Chris Palmer - Team Brisk$50

Chris Palmer - Team Noodly$50

Chris Palmer - Team Road Rage$50

Christina Lloyd - Team To Be Determined$100

Christina Wieszbicki$50

Christine Bandy-Helderman$75

Christine Cassidy in honor of The Gengel Family for their dedication $500

Christine Daley$20

Christine Steinwand in Honor of Thomas Gengel$100

Christine Trifari$500

Christine, Eric, and Fletcher Gilmore in Honor of Bennett Gilmore$500

Christopber Hall & Catherine Smith-Hall$10

Cindy Harrison in Memory of Steph Whooten$50

Clarence Foster$50

Clarice Palmer$100

Coastal Fellowship Church$500

Courtney & Keegan McClanahan$10

Curtis Steinwand$1,000

Cynthia Cohen$25

Cynthia Merchant$20

Cynthia and Evan Graber$20

Dale Mazanec - Team Expedite 2016$50

Dan Levy$20

Daniel & Lena Heavey$10

Daniel Leff in Honor of Mark Leff$10

Daniel Shaughnessy in Honor of Edward Shaughnessy$50

Danielle Hearnlaye$20

Danielle Intinarelli - Team Braidy Bunch$10

Danielle Menla$10

Darcy and Nick D'Andrea$50

David & Frances Ann Shumway & Family$20

David Gilmore in Honor of Bennett Gilmore$100

David Peck$50

David and Annette Ahlin$50

Deb & Chhristopber Flynn$30

Debbie Cronin Startup in Loving Memory of Uncle Chubby$50

Debbie Pallatto-Fontaine & Richard Fontaine$250

Deborah Bryk$10

Debra Dedoming - Team Ratskills$10

Delta Kappa Gamma Alpha Nu in Honor and Memory of all past and present members $1,500

Dennis Fenton in Honor of Cory Fenton$100

Devan Michael - Team Road Rage$10

Diane & Robert Dynan$25

Diane & Robert Quinlan$30

Diane Adams$25

Diane Betti$20

Diane Grande$20

Dianne Long$50

Dolan Geneau in Honor of Mark Leff$100

Donald & Judith Keller$25

Donna Amaral$50

Donna Amaral$50

Donna Jordan$10

Donna Simoncini - Team Ratskills$50

Donohue Family$50

Doreen Bauckman$50

Dorothy Borrelli$100

Dorothy MiDura$10

Doug Carmean$50

Duncan & Heather Stewart$50

Ed & Lorraine Rits$10

Ed Yaglou$50

Eddie Riedl in Honor of the Huehls-Riedl Friendship, Love, and Service! $100

Edmund Begley$50

Eileen Pouch$100

Elaine Seddon$100

Elizabeth Gadoury - Team Little Ratskills$50

Elizabeth Hughes in Honor of Ed Hughes$50

Elizabeth Schako$150

Elizabeth Smith$30

Ellie Ellsworth$30

Emery & JeannitaGaudet$50

Emily Colonna$10

Emily Rose - Team N'ap Boule in Memory of Steph Whooten$25

Emily Rubenstein - Team KWFSTA$25

Emma Leahy in Honor of Emma Leahy$10

Eric Wood$100

Eric and Maria Richmond of Ransford Pest Control$200

Erick Solms$50

Ericka Humphrey$50

Erin McGrail$10

Eve Patterson - Team Brisk$10

Eve Patterson - Team Brisk$10

FactSet Research Systems$100

Faith Justice - Team Kwasan De Moms$50

Flose Boursiquot$10

Fr. John Madden - Team Ratskills$50

Fr. John Madden - Team Road Rage$50

Fr. John Madden - Team Small Team Big House$50

Fr. John Madden - Team Brisk$50

Fr. John Madden - Team Noodly$50

Fr. Madden of St. John's Church$60

Francis & Ann-Marie Leahy$10

Frederick Glass in Memory of Johnny Pun$100

Gail & Olivia Collette$50

Gail & Stephen Herman$10

Gail F. Nemsick - Shrewsbury, MA$10

Gary Pfeiffer in Memory of Yvonne Pfeiffer Burk$50

Gem Morris in Honor of Pearl Slack & Joanne Brigham$200

George F. & Sybil H. Fuller Foundation$700

George Nanis$100

Georgianna & Mike Tippo$150

Gerald & Joan Dio$100

Gerald Degnan$20

Gerald Gagne - Wolf & Company$1,000

Geri Novia$250

Gerry Kelley & Debra Pressley$20

Gina Smith$100

Gina Snyder - Team KWFSTA$25

Glen Frederick$100

Glenda Castro$20

Glenn Van Lenten #EveryBreathIsAGift$100

Grace Robinson$10

Greg & Trish Gauthier - V&G Plumbing & Heating Co.$500

Hannah & James O'Rourke$20

Hannah Begley$10

Happy Birthday Sean! - Love, CJ and Josie$10

Hardin County in Memory of Yvonne Pfeiffer Burk $645

Hayley Barnes in Memory of Devin Reffitt$10

Heather Esty in Honor of Jennifer Johnson $10

Heineman Family $50

Herlihy Insurance$360

Hillary Burr - Wolf & Company $100

Hirsh Leff$20

Holly Morin & Zachary Duguay$10

Holy Name Central Catholic High School$40

Howard Mariotti in Honor of Madeline$100

In Honor of the Marlatt Family - Continuing the faith, hope, and love of Britney Gengel$80

In Memory of Fr. Robert Lord$50

In Memory of Richard DiCicco$20

In Memory of Yvonne Pfeiffer Burk$10

In honor of Christmas for Carole Jeffcoat$35

Isaac Rits$10

JR Robinson$10

Jack, Rose, Fiona, Michael and Kristen Kelly$50

Jackie Gray$10

Jacqueline Hunter$10

Jacqueline Latino$20

James & Anne Joslyn$50

James & Myra Connor$34

James & Peggy Kieras$100

James & Sandra Bazoukas$10

James Archibald$20

James Baker$15

Jan Kollar$250

Jane Flynn$500

Jane Kelley$10

Janice Dionis$100

Jason Davidson in Honor of Shanae Draper$100

Jeanne Angers$50

Jeanne Fandozzi in Memory of Britney Gengel$100

Jeff & Mary Walsh$750

Jeff & Mary Walsh$500

Jeff Robinson$10

Jeffrey & Patricia Lee$10

Jeffrey Myra in Honor of Rachel Myra$20

Jenna Riedl - Team Headlights and Halfbacks$100

Jennifer Berryman Naide - Team Are We There Yet?$100

Jenny Foley in Memory of Steph Whooten$50

Jessica Ormiston$20

Jessica Ryan$40

Jim & Shelley Collins$10

Jim Hirst$50

Jim Locklier in Honor of Cade Bush$50

Jim McCarthy$25,000

Jim Pierce in Honor of Bill Stasny$50

Joan & Jeffrey Guimond$100

Joan Dusavage$50

Joan E Anderson$50

Joe Dennehy$50

John & Carol Hanks$10

John & DonnaGrenier$50

John & Juliann O'Connor$1,000

John Brunet$10

John Inangelo$50

John J. Heller - Shrewsbury, MA$10

John Mullan$20

John Sansoucy$50

John Scanlon$250

Jones/Lippincott Family Foundation$1,000

Joseph Carr in Honor of Mark Leff$250

Joseph OBrien$100

Josh Alvarez$50

Joshua Gelbwaks - Team Jupiter in Memory of Sean Henry$10

Josie Galore Heller RIP 2002-2018$10

Joy & Melinda Floyd$30

Joy Keyser in Memory of Walter Easterday$20

Joyce Coll$100

Joyce Neves in honor of ADK-Eta (RI)$35

Julia Clarke-Pounder$20

JupiterFIRST Church$250

Kaeli Rits$10

Kapri Stickley$25

Karen & Charles Ferguson$500

Karen A D'Uva$10

Karen Bibo$5

Kari & Kelsey MacLeod - Team Headlights & Halfbacks$100

Karyl Benoit$30

Kate & Donna Thoene - Team Noodly$100

Kate MacCausland$100

Kate Salmon-Robinson$10

Kathie Ciarametaro in Honor of Maureen Maloney D'Agostino$20

Kathleen McClintock$100

Kathleen Salmon-Robinson - Team Goatbusters$50

Kathleen Salvadore$50

Kathleen Taimi in Memory of Britney Gengel$100

Kathryn & Steven Harris$135

Kathryn Houston$20

Kathryn Mikkelson in Honor of Dianne and Peter Antos$50
Kathryn Rezuke - Team N'ap Boule in Memory of Steph Whooten$50

Kathryn Ryan - Wolf & Company $20

Kathryn Wanta$20

Kathy Nagle$50

Katie Amero$20

Katie Bisnette$25

Kelly Bush$30

Kelly Kerchief$20

Kelly Michaud in Honor of my Godmother, Pauline Winn - a lifelog educator and champion for all the children$20

Kerry Hannigan$50

Kerry Hannigan - Team Road Rage$50

Kevin Conant$100

Kevin Nemsick - Shrewsbury, MA$10

Kimberly Gyuro - Team KWFSTA$50

Kimberly Roberts$100

Kirk Huehls - Team Cherylann's Clan$50

Kirk Huehls - Team Headlights and Halfbacks$50

Kirk Huehls - Team It's The Little Things$50

Kirsten Stevens$100

Kristin Halley - Team To Be Determined$200

Kristin Strasheim - Team N'ap Boule in Memory of Steph Whooten$25

Kristine Gorman$10

Kyle Rits$10

Kyle Vogt in Honor of Mark Leff$100

Kyndal K. Heller - Shrewsbury, MA$10

Laura Arena$100

Laura Bond$20

Laura Bond - Team KWFSTA$40

Laura Busch$10

Laura Pugliese$300

Lauren Campbell$15

Lauren Canale$20

Lauren Gwozdz - Team Small Team Big House$50

Lauren Ricci-Warren in Honor of Hannah Begley$20

Laurie Kalil$50

Laurie Lewis$10

Laurie Lewis$10

Laurie Lewis$10

Laurie Wietecha$50

Leoda Hersom$100

Leslie Chaney$20

Leslie Harrison - Team N'ap Boule in Memory of Steph Whooten$50

Linda Maguire in Memory of Wayne Moody$50

Linda Parisi$100

Linda Sheridan$50

Lionel Lamoureux$500

Lisa Buoncuore - Team Francky$100

Lisa Krikorian$50

Lisa Zia - Team N'ap Boule in Memory of Steph Whooten$50

Lisa and Megan Birch - Team Are We There Yet$50

Lisa and Megan Birch - Team Are We There Yet$50

Lisa and Megan Birch - Team C'mon Jawhn$50

Lisa and Megan Birch - Team Francky$50

Lisa and Megan Birch - Team Love$50

Lisa and Megan Birch in Honor of Jim Birch$500

Liz Blake - Team Dirty Dozen$50

Liz McDonald - Team Dirty Dozen$50

Lloyd Polk$500

Loretta Marschner$10

Lori Santaniello$10

Lori Seward in Honor of Michael D. Fisher$20

Lorraine Henry - Team Jupiter in Memory of Sean Henry $100

Louis Relerford$20

Luce Celestin in Honor of Love Pun$10

Lucille Richards in Honor of William A. Borrelli III$100

Luke James Nemsick - Shrewsbury, MA$10

Lynda Skerry$50

Lynn Corsino$50

Lynn Pandiani in Honor of Cori Kneeland$20

Marcelle Carter in Honor of Joe & Claudia Carter$50

Marek & Joanna Basta$100

Margaret Favrot in Honor of Gret & Alma O'Neil$50

Margaret Johnson$25

Margaret Materson$20

Margo Wood - Team Many Hands$100

Maria & Peter Cutillo$100

Maria Ascher in Memory of Britney Gengel$100

Marianne Cooley in Memory of Britney Gengel$100

Marie Carole Ridore in Honor of Gerald Jean$20

Marie Felice$10

Marie King$50

Marie Melican$100

Marissa Scicchitano - Wolf & Company $50

Marjorie Hastings$50

Marjorie Jean Louis$10

Mark Finnegan$20

Mark Finnegan$20

Mark Hare$50

Mark Sullivan$100

Mark \& MJ Lanza in Memory of the 9th Anniversary of the Earthquake$100

Mark and Alexia O'Connell - Wolf & Company$1,000

Marlene Mathon$10

Marsha & Bill Martin$100

Marta Ferreira$10

Martha Adams$5

Martha Conley$100

Martin Caine - Wolf & Company $500

Mary Ann & Richard Nawrocki in Memory of Maryann Persson$100

Mary Ann MacDonald in Memory of John Chasse $50

Mary Cringan in Honor of Project 351$250

Mary Ellen Matthew$500

Mary Jane Carroll$50

Mary Jane Person$25

Mary Jo Lopez$20

Mary Leach$20

Mary McLemore$1,000

Mary Piekarz$50

Mary Toomey in Memory of Rita Trombi$10

Mary-Ellen Boyle$50

MaryKay McGrail$20

Maryann Lord $50

Marylin Queen$20

Marylin Quinn$25

Mastermans LLP$100

Matt Hammond in Honor of Emily Zinkus$50

Matt Tricomi$500

Matt Wolfe$10

Matthew & Kathleen Akulonis$100

Matthew Glynn in Memory of Joshua Matthew Glynn$1,000

Matthew Nemsick - Shrewsbury, MA$10

Matthew Williams$10

Maura McKeown - Team Dirty Dozen$50

Maureen Kearnan in Honor of a wonderful, selfless family, who are doing great work for so many in Haiti$50

Maureen Sewall$100

Megan Tranfaglia$10

Melanie Bonsu$20

Melissa Wadman$10

Melissa-Jean Provost in Memory of Steph Whooten$10

Michael Bryk$10

Michael Carbonneau$10

Michael Martin - Team Dirty Dozen$50

Michael and Nina Mazloff - Team N'ap Boule in Memory of Steph Whooten$100
Michael&Jeanne Fandozzi in Memory of Britney Gengel$100

Michaela Dumais$500

Michele Fournier$50

Michele McCarthy$50

Michelle Gour$40

Mike & Kelley Rits$10

Mike Fisher$20

Mike Martin, Nancy, Shannon, and Dan - Team KSWFSTA$200
Mike, Wendy, Chris & Tim Heineman for Team Dirty Dozen$50

Mildred Anderson$100

Mycie Lubin$100

Nadine, Meaghan, & Nicole Ekstrom - Team Ratskills$100

Nancy Hesselton$10

Nancy McKenzie$50

Nancy Miller & Matt Christiano - Team Headlights and Halfbacks$150

Nancy Tarbell$20

Neal Schreckinger$50

New England Carpet and Flooring$250

Nicholas Maccarone$20

Nicholas, Makayla, & Zachary$30

Nick Maccarone$20

Nicole & Lexi Hahn - Team G.O.A.T$50

Nicole & Lexi Hahn - Team Ok Boss!$50

Nicole MacEachern - Team N'ap Boule in Memory of Steph Whooten$20

Nina Merigliano$10

Nora Pavone & Samuel Orlan$250

Oscar Isabelle$30

Paige Futrell$10

Patrice Aguda-Brown$50

Patricia & Albert Hanlon$50

Patricia & C. Leonard Bennett$50

Patricia & Donald Girouard$50

Patricia Bernateau - Team Brisk$75

Patricia Bock$100

Patricia Bonsignore - Team Kwasan De Moms$50

Patricia Jandreau$66

Patricia Kalinowski$20

Patricia McGuire$50

Patricia McGuire in Honor of Walter & Nancy Romazsko$50

Patricia Parker$100

Patricia Stahl$100

Patricia Vigeant$10

Patricia Wood$20

Patrick Mead in Honor of the Future of Haiti$10

Patti Rodriguez - Team C'mon Jawhn$100

Patty & Don DiPietro$10

Patty Angevine - Team Brisk$50

Patty Homish in Honor of Chloe's Goddaughter, Skylar $20

Paul & Diane DiCicco$100

Paul A. Cipro$100

Paul Lamoureux & Brit's B*tches$100

Pauline Nadeau$100

Penelope & Nick Love in Memory of Britney Gengel$20

Peter & Kathy Joseph$500

Peyton J. Heller - Shrewsbury, MA$10

Philip Ceryanek$50

R Jason Kulak - Wolf & Company $100

RAB Lighting, Inc. $5,000

Rachel Adam$10

Rachel Feeney$10

Rachel Jamieson$30

Rachel Myra$10

Rae Ann Stone - Team Small Team Big House$400

Rebecca Pawlik$10

Reginald Rigaud$100

Richard & Geralyn Spencer$30

Richard Godfrey in Honor of Owen Scott$50

Richard Ranti & Andrea Bonsignore - Team Kwasan De Moms$100

Richard Schlitt$50

Robert & Elizabeth Foley$50

Robert Heald - Team KWFSTA$50

Robert Huchinson - Team Road Rage$50

Robert Marcelynas$50

Robert Rengers$10

Robert Shuker$100

Robert Williams$1,000

Robin Lassy$141

Roger & Judy Roy$50

Romney Sloan$50

Roseleen & Anthony Dellorusso$20

Rosemary Cochrane$10

Rosemary Henry in Honor of the Holy Cross Group $375

Ruth Ann Penka$10

Ruth Ann Penka$10

Ruth Ann Penka$10

Ruth Penka$10

Ruth Penka in Memory of Steve Penka$10

SJ PreCalc G-Block$50

Saint John's Be Like Brit Club$66

Sally Tamplin$100

Samantha Yorke$10

Sandi Sanford in Honor of Chloe Rits$50

Sandra Basso$50

Sara Howard - Team Kwasan De Moms$25

Sarah Reis$20

Scamp Robinson$10

Scott Baranowski$100

Scott Scovin$20

Scott Siemen - Team Brisk$100

Sean Shea$1,000

Selena Senesac in Honor of Cathryn Senesac$100

Shannah Frambes$250

Shari Weiss in Memory of Kinsley Britney Weiss and Britney Gengel$50
Shawn & Vincent King - Team Headlights and Halfbacks$100

Sheila Bodine$100

Sheila Corkhill$250

Shelley Siegel - Team Country Bank$50

Sherry Berube$20

Shirley and John Schnare$100

Silvia Navarrete$100

Siobhan MacDonald in Memory of Marion "Sue" Lydon$200

Sophia Shepard - Team KWFSTA$50

Space of Mind Britsionary Team$500

Starr Kelly$20

Stephanie Kellett - Team Dirty Dozen$50

Stephanie Kellett - Team KWFSTA$25

Stephanie Stratton - Team To Be Determined$200

Stephanie Stratton - Team To Be Determined $100

Stephen & Jeanette Wood$100

Stephen King - Wolf & Company$100

Steve & Jeanette Wood$100

Susan Broderick$50

Susan E. Foley$50

Susan Paradis$20

Tanner O'Connell$10

Tara Byron in Honor of Debbie Atkins$100

Team Flow!$675

Teena Porter$50

Teresa Pasceri - Team To Be Determined in Memory of Britney Gengel$50

Teresa Prezioso - Wolf & Company$50

Terry Gilchrist in Honor of Michael Jackson$10

Terry Lunt$20

Tess Hickey in Honor of Ed McTigue$50

The Belcher Family - Ashley, Allison, & Mitchell - Never forgotten$50

The Clarke-Pounder Family$50

The Coughlin Family: Cindy, Brian, Sean, & Elyse in Memory of Britney Gengel$50

The Dow Family $50

The Fulkerson Family$500

The George F. & Sybil H. Fuller Foundation$5,000

The George F. & Sybil H. Fuller Foundation$320

The Gordon Family$50

The Hanover Insurance Group in Honor of our Dedicated Volunteer Lisa Williams$500

The Jankowski Family$50

The Kinney Family$10

The Legare Family$100

The Maresca Family$1,000

The Terry Family$500

The Terzi Family$100

The Trombi Family$50

Theresa Nys$20

Theresa Nys$100

Therese & M. Keoseian$100

Thomas & Eileen Sheahan$10

Thomas & Marcia Reddington$20

Tim Loew$25

Timothy Claman$100

Timothy Forde$1,000

Tina Donovan$50

Tokio Marine HCC (TMHCC)$1,000

Tom Mitchell in Memory of Johnny Pun$50

Tom Rooney$15

Toni-Marie Gillette-Sylvester$20

Tonna Charitable Trust$500

Tony Domineck$100

Tracey Benard$20

Tracey Heald$100

Tracey S. Heller - Shrewsbury, MA$10

Trisha Goens in Memory of Yvonne Burk$10

Tyler & Chloe Rits$10

Valerie Perrich$50

Vera Calihan$100

Veronica Gomes$50

Veronica La Marque$50

Vicki Adjami$50

Vickie Diamond - Team Jupiter in Memory of Sean Henry$100

Vickie Martin in Memory of Yvonne Pfeiffer Burk$250

Vickie Martin in Memory of Yvonne Pfeiffer Burk$250

Wachusett Regional High School BLB Club in Memory of Britney Gengel$100

Wayne Snell$50

Wendy McFaul$100

William & Kathy Murphy$20

William Beckman$250

William Dames$50

William Dames in Memory of Johnny Pun$50

William S & Blair Y Thompson Family Foundation $1,500

William Volpe in Honor of Chloe Rits$20

Wolf & Company Charitable Foundation Group Gift$1,000

Wong Dynasty & Yankee Grill Inc$50

Yvonne Cooper$20