
Back To School

It is so great to be back at Brit’s Home after being away for 2 months! I couldn’t believe how much the children have grown in just 2 months…Teeth are coming in and growth spirts are happening so quickly.

I was excited to see my friend Devan who has been here all summer as a Longterm Britsionary to do a sports program with our children. Everyone was so eager to show me what they have been learning, especially gymnastics. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the girls were in the summer Olympics some day!

Speaking of the Olympics, Devan created an awesome event to end the summer. The first ever Brit’s Home Olympics! I’m sure you’ve already seen our pictures on Facebook and Instagram. I feel so lucky that I was able to be here for that and take pictures and videos throughout the day.

I’ll never forget the volleyball game I saw towards the end of the day. A lot of the older children were playing and their teams were going crazy cheering and yelling from the sidelines. Their plays were incredible! I could tell they’ve been practicing a lot. I remember tearing up at one point. I was so happy they were having so much fun. It is great knowing they can just be kids here at Brit’s Home. Most children in Haiti do not have the opportunity to ever go to Summer Camp, learn new sports, and compete in their very own Olympic games!! I am so excited to see how these 66 children change the world. They have already accomplished so much!

If you haven’t watched it already, please check out our YouTube page so see the inspiring video of our Olympic Game highlights!

This past Monday was the children’s first day back to school! In America, many people dread this day. It marks the end of vacation and the beginning of classes, studying, and homework. At Brit’s Home, the children were excited for many days leading up to Monday. “Danielle, I can’t wait to get back to school on Monday! I get to see my friends and have new teachers,” said Dieulourdes. She reminded me many times during the weekend too.

14 year old Macson was probably the most excited. He told me this year he would be starting at his new school, St. Francois, which is a huge accomplishment! This is the best school in Grand Goave, and it is now where 39 of our children attend school. Macson told me all about his uniform and couldn’t wait to get his picture taken!

On Monday morning, before my alarm went off, I was woken up by the sounds of everyone getting ready for school at 6am. I got ready for the day and walked downstairs to our dining area. Everyone was about to eat breakfast. Coach Rolando told the children I was going to take their first day of school pictures one by one. This year, I decided to take the pictures outside, in front of our main door, right below our Brit’s Home sign.

Everyone smiled so big and wide. I only had to said “souri!” (smile!) to a few of the children who might have needed a few more minutes to wake up. I let them pose however they liked. I thought this would be one way to show their personalities.

Everyone’s energy was so high as they grabbed their backpacks, lunch boxes, and water bottles. As they walked out in a single file line, some asked for a quick picture with their friends and siblings. Of course I was happy to take it. Then I waved goodbye as they walked to their bus and began their new school year.
